Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You can't really go far without fuel.

After bit of time I was gassed up and I was back on the road heading for Cleveland. Heading up route 3 with a few hours of daylight left, I knew I'd be in for a night ride. And riding back roads at night can be filled with all sorts of unknowns. Like Mr groundhog. Most of the ride was nice, passing by a Halloween cemetery, I knew I had to stop and go back to take some photos. A lot of time went into it and it wouldn't be right not to stop and check it out. The sun was setting and once more I made one of those countless stops on the side of the rode to take more photos. It hard not to watch the sky when it's that beautiful. Feeling that it was time to refill the gastank I stopped at the nearest gas station. Pull out the spare tank and as with most stops, I have the curious driver pullup next to me and say " you riding on that thing". After saying I'm riding for world peace, they start asking more question. Ok I've really haven't been telling people that, but I wonder what they say if I did. So I'm all filled up an take off when my Vespa suddenly stops. What the f-ers is racing through my head. I look down and gasoline is spilling out onto the road. Turn the gas lever to the off position and look inside the carb to find the gas line had come slighty off. I get the line connected and back on the road. After few miles I start thinking, did I connect that line really good? After crossing a pair road tracks going 50 mph told me no, you didn't fix that gas line right. So I was once more stopping to fix that gas line. Things get a lot easier, when you do them more then once. Start the bike and those railroad tracks knock more then the gas line loose. One of the wires connectors that make the lights work had come apart. Easy fix and the last 30 miles were pretty damn chilly.

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