Thursday, August 19, 2010

40 on 40

After a night in Wheeling I was back on route 40. Had to take a little detour and came across that house that was falling over. So yeah to detours. So as I was filling up for gas in Cambridge Ohio, a guy comes up asking about the Vespa. After a bit of chatting he tells me he seen a Vespa in a antique store in Norwich. Figuring it's on my way, I'll try to find it. Well it turn out it was a p200 and was already sold three weeks ago for $800. Back on route 40 and it miles and miles of corn corn corn zzzzzzzzzzzz. Stopped in Kirkersville for lunch at a place called Village Tavern. Don't go for the beer selection, cause there isn't one. As it was getting dark I got to South Vienna, so I had some pizza and look around for a spot to camp at. Wasn't seeing anything suitable I got back on to 40 and headed to Buck Creek State Park. Well not knowning the road I was on didn't have a entrance to the park I decided to camp along the road, which was part of the park. As soon as I gotten my tent out, howling noises came from a distance that made me stop and say oh crap. Looking down at my tent in the dark with a flash light there were grasshoppers and a big spider. And with that I was headed towards Springfield. Finding another ball field, I set the tent up around 10 at night. Now I hit gold as this had a bathroom, and an outlet for the phone. Ah day two was finally done. Heading out the next day, I had a burrito in New Paris for lunch. Small little town. Got to Indianapolis around 3 and decide to walk around for awhile. Back on route 40 getting closer to Brazil. Got into Brazil around 7 and drove pass the only park, filled with kids and teenagers. I decided that Brazil wasn't going to be a spot for the night so off to Terre Haute 15 miles away, which had lots of parks. Making it there with the sun setting, stopped and had dinner. Now it was on to Fairbanks park. I get to the park and notice a car with its lights off. As I stop they leave. Not thinking much of it I used the bathroom. Another outlet and I was happy to set up camp. Well after getting a red stripe and coming back. I come to find out this isn't your family kind of park at night. So I'm taking my bags off and out of the dark a guy riding a bicycle rides into the bathroom, um ok. I watched him leave, well my phone was over there. And then a guy in his 70's comes walking by. He started to talking. And I notice he got a lot of cologne on for being in a park at 10 at night. I said in my head, did I just stumble upon pickup park. Oh crap! So after I mentioned I was traveling and said I had a girlfriend he leaves towards the bathroom and comes back and ask if I want to join. Now at what point in the 10 seconds when he left and came back, did he think that maybe I'll ditch the girlfriend and maybe he could change my sexuality is baffling. So I got my stuff and made it to another park. Setup tent and chatting with misses. I was tireeeeed.


  1. so, my boss suggested that the fella rode his bike into the bathroom so the weirdos cruising outside wouldn't steal it. does that make you feel a little better about at least ONE bizarre aspect of the evening? and yes, i've been sharing your exploits with the people i work with :)

  2. What a journey!! Made me laugh and that was before I had a cup of cofee...
